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CAHILL PARK San Jose, California

Infill housing projects connect transit, parks and a retail corridor






Land Use Program

  • Completed in 2006, 160 town homes (Cahill Park HOA)
  • 3-story town homes over concrete parking garages 
  • Transit: next to San Jose Diridon Station (with an underground walkway to station) (access to Cal Train, VTA Lightrail, AmTrak)
  • 2-acre public park


Cahill Park is a new neighborhood created through several context-sensitive infill projects. It successfully integrates a traditional retail corridor, The Alameda, a community park and a major transit hub, Diridon Station, while increasing residential density and adapting historic buildings to new uses.

Lessons for Walkability

  • Housing of several types are oriented toward surrounding streets, parks and transit.

  • Public spaces connect to the Diridon Station light rail with a clear, welcoming pedestrian route.

  • A historic cannery building is adaptively reused for new housing.

  • New housing frontages are designed to integrate with the existing adjacent urban fabric.

  • Townhouses surround the community park, providing activation and “eyes on the street.”